Almost Half a Year, Some Names to Remember

Lately a lot have been going on, and I have been pretty busy with life and all the unexpected. Worse still, I am sick, with a flu. As a healthy being, I seldom get sick, but if I do, it is really something and I needa take good rest for a few days. Being not quite productive, I just want to drop a few words here, updating the blog for a bit, to save readership (if any, I wonder)

Just now I learnt a bad news, that young, aspiring man named Gabriel Yeung has passed away in March. We are the same age. He was once a typical successful Hongkonger, having graduated from HKU and worked in a iBank. But these do not speak much about him, not unique enough. He was diagnosed with cancer and attempted suicide once, but was rescued luckily. He has lots of good companions and a beloved fiancée. He also has a heart of gold, that he donated much to contribute to the well-being of kids with cancer. I was saddened by that a young man left the world. As much as we want to believe in a just-world, good people might not have a decent ending, nor bad people reap what they sow. Unfairness always fuels me with fury and bitterness. Is it just impulsiveness or being true to myself? I don’t know.

My actions do come at a cost. Sometimes reflecting back, I would always ask myself would I have done it differently had I known the consequences of so? Had I acted wisely and prudently, compared to myself a few years ago? Am I being too vocal and noticeable (might just be attention-seeking) in so many matters in my life that I have involved myself in (endless) uncertainty, absurdity, frustration and loneliness. Regret has no place though. Every step we take, we ask our heart and conscience. If they agree, we live with our choices and walk with faith, and belief in what guides us.

Last month, I watched the documentary directed by the Japanese scholar, Tomoko Akawho, who is also a friend of Ms Chow Hang Tung, the protagonist of the film ”She’s In Jail”. Interestingly, the name does not reveal who “she” is. The “she” could be any woman who is a political prisoner or activist that was prosecuted and put into jail. It could also mean that she is so low-profile that the public might not even remember her name, which is true. Regardless, she does not care about fame either. A lot of her work is done without applause or recognition. She still persists, with unshakable belief in democracy and freedom for the people. She might not look appealing or likeable compared with more famous public figures like Agnes Chow or Gwyneth Ho, if one does not know much about her. I heard her name, on the news, but never really know this person, until the screening.

I have always admired these people, with aspiration and determination in pursuing a life filled with hardships and barriers. Very few of us have the courage and perseverance to walk alone, even in the dark. Gabriel and Hang Tung show us how invincible humans can be.

We might never be as great as them. We shall remember their names. They live, in our heart, where their humanity shines and beauty stays. Forever.

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